‘Ubbog’ used to be an abandoned corn land. Its land soil was poor and its remaining soil was eroding, especially when rain comes, it washes the soil away down to the nearby river.

As it was infertile, we left the land with its grass to grow its natural course. In time, the land grew to be more abundant in its essence. Soon it made a great natural habitat for insects, birds, even snakes and a number plant species to thrive.

This 1.6 hectares parcel of land has its own natural spring too, retaining that freshly organic water that you can drink all year round.

As the land appeared to us to be fertile for planting, we introduced mahogany trees, and allowed other fruiting trees to flourish as well with bananas to make the land more conducive for living things. And here as you can witness, in just almost 3 years we helped the land to grow to the extent of its richness.

We love nature and we want to preserve it. Hence, another neighbouring 1 hectare of land has been developed into a mahogany tree plantation with different fruit trees, which are good in giving natural nutrients to the soil with their leaves, barks and fruits. In just more than 3 years we made our own wonderful woodland forest.

There’s also an accessible water pump nearby. During the summer season from April and May wherein it becomes extremely dry, the water in the area is scarce, however this water pump will supply you the constant water for any uses.

We nurture these and respect them by heart.
So, we opened our place to share for you to enjoy too. It’s open for lovers of nature and campers to stay.

Feel God’s given nature, from the manmade woodland to the virgin forest of Balikongkong, Maducayan.